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Funders: Let’s Stop Making Nonprofits Choose Between Balanced Budgets and Burnout

Nonprofit leaders know that they must balance their annual budgets. The report’s finding that two-thirds of nonprofits expect to have a balanced budget or a surplus tracks. But let’s not mistake this as an indication that funders are doing a good job resourcing the sector appropriately. What this data tells me is that nonprofits are doing what they must in order to keep the lights on and ensure that their work continues.

Reclaiming Land Ownership in Black and Indigenous Communities

For many people in Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities in the United States and across the globe, the connection to land is core to cultural identity, spirituality, and livelihoods. While the capitalist economic system considers land to be a commodity that is privately owned and profited from, our communities seek to be in a reciprocal relationship with the land, which we consider a lifesource to be collectively and cooperatively stewarded using the knowledge and traditions of our ancestors.

Common Future accelerates leaders for worker ownership, housing rights and ‘cannabis justice’

Common Future is keying in on good jobs and sustainable livelihoods for its 2024 accelerator cohort.

The Nation Still Needs a New Birth in Liberty

Many working today for racial and economic progress, as I am, encounter the same white fatigue that Ida B. Wells knew firsthand.

This majority BIPOC company has a 4-day work week. Here’s how

co-CEO Jennifer Njuguna explains why the 4-day work week can be a win-win.

The backlash to diversity efforts is widespread

Each of us has a choice to acquiesce to this backlash or to evolve toward progress. We must build cross-sector bridges that enable us to comprehensively address our changed landscape.

No Longer Lonely at the Top: A Growing Number of Nonprofits Hire Co-CEOs

Common Future, a national organization that advances racial and economic equity through community efforts, replaced its departing CEO with three co-CEOs, all women. They come from different backgrounds and bring different strengths — Sandhya Nakhasi, from a second-generation South Asian family, has an investing and finance background; Jennifer Njuguna, a Black woman and lawyer who was part of the first generation of her family to attend college, oversees operations; and Jessica Feingold, a white woman who identifies as queer, handles communications and fundraising.